The Yoga Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist - Yoga Therapist - Trainer - Author
Hi, I am Dr Stephanie Minchin, a Clinical Psychologist, Yoga Therapist & Yoga Teacher.
I am passionate about learning, curious about our human experience, intrigued by socio-cultural contexts of the world and believe in equality. I learn through continual study and life experiences, I express myself through reflective writing, and I find inner peace through my own engrained practices in yoga and psychology. And beyond all of this, I make time for fun!

My vision
My vision is to support others in their healing journey for a calm mind, strong body and open heart.
I do this by offering person-centred and holistic therapy sessions in yoga therapy and psychological therapy, promoting both therapies as inclusive of everybody and every body. I work with diverse communities, learn the latest evidence and research, train and educate others, advocate for equality against stigmatisation and discrimination, and empower individuals to live a life with meaning and purpose.

My values
Because as human beings we are survivors of suffering and continue to positively grow and transform, moving with the ebbs and flows of ever-changing life.
Diversity, Inclusivity & Equality
Because we all have a mind and a body; and somewhere beyond our similarities and differences, exists our unique experiences, all equally valuable. Every part of you is welcome.
Because we are human beings, not human doings; the therapy experience is a journey to ‘come back home’ to yourself. You are the expert of your own experience.
Because I share a complimentary wealth of skills using evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence founded upon scientific research.
Because I love learning… Sharing information and raising awareness to educate and empower others.
Meet the Yoga Psychologist, Stephanie’s Story…
The personal behind the professional….
I am a woman with an empowered feminist spirit.
I was born in the countryside; and now live in the city.
I am passionate about learning, with a curiosity about human beings, and an intrigue about the world.
I am in awe of nature. I love it when the light changes, nature is my nurturing.
I have committed to knowing myself better through yoga and psychology; a continual process of ‘becoming’….
I am a very reflective individual, always thinking about thinking.
I explore creativity through the arts and music; writing is my catharsis.
I am human too, with a strong sense of yin and yang; my eternal mission to find balance.
I have my own therapy… and sometimes I feel ‘the work’ is never done.
I believe in constant growth and transformation.
I connect to contentment through rest, play, fun and love.
I meditate and I move; it’s my medicine.
I commit to deconstructing my white privilege, advocate for social justice and anti-racist action.
I am a Scorpio… if you know, you know!
What’s my story?
Firstly, thank you for sharing an interest in me and my work. To share with you a little about my background…
I grew up Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. My context and story comes with a lot of visible privileges. My background also carries emotional burdens. As a white, female working within the healing profession, I feel it is imperative to explore and unpack our own stories within, in order to best be able to support others. For we are all a person within the professional.
With an interest in human behaviour, a curiosity about the mind, a wonder in exploring worldly cultural differences and a passion for learning, I was pulled towards pursuing a path in clinical psychology. Studying Psychology & Sociology at Leeds University encouraged me to understand more about individuals and groups as part of a larger web of cultural contexts and societal narratives. Following graduation, and various volunteer placements abroad (teaching in Kenya; orphanage in Bangkok; Mother Theresa’s psychiatric hospital in Kolkata) my academic learnings expanded to understand and appreciate human behaviour, beliefs and values across different cultural contexts. This formed the foundations of the lens in which I see the world, and how I understand mental health experiences.
Upon moving to London in 2010, I delved into the world of NHS working in various mental health services, from forensic inpatients and acute psychiatric wards, to specialist schools and third sector organisations, alongside assisting research at London’s leading universities and further postgraduate studies.
Following a stay in a Sivananda ashram in India in 2013, there was a yogic seed planted which captured my heart and ignited my spirit. As this desire blossomed, I completed Yoga Teacher Training (200hrs YTT) in 2014 and my new love of yoga happily sat alongside clinical psychology. Yet the more I practiced the two separately, the more they mirrored one another. Mind and body, body and mind - it’s all about the inner work and healing processes.
During my clinical psychology training at the University of Hertfordshire, I unhealthily avoided my own personal therapy. Oh, the irony. I hadn’t realised it at the time, yet my new ‘addiction’ to yoga was subtly healing me on the inside, in a way that was much more than performing postures. Yoga was my therapy before I was able to give words to my experiences. It enabled me to reconnect, come back in, ground and settle It was exactly this soothing that then supported me to go to the depths of talking therapy. I already knew that yoga and psychology were complimentary, yet now it really personally resonated. Initially I kept these two identities and professions very separate; yet the more I developed skills in each, the closer they became, with my values for both being parallel in practice.
The next few years happily wearing my Drs hat I continued NHS work supporting children, young people and families with psychological therapy, alongside teaching yoga across London, from a range of studios, gyms, community classes, corporate programmes and NHS staff wellbeing projects. In 2016 at a psychology conference, I was mesmerised by a talk by Heather Mason, founder of The Minded Institute, speaking about the therapeutic effects of yoga on body and mind. It was a lightbulb moment, an epiphany, and awakening. I had not realised that Yoga Therapy existed - this was a calling for me to combine my two passions and integrate my professional roles for the next step in my career. In 2018 I embarked on Yoga Therapy training… an incredible journey exploring how yoga can heal, founded on the science of physiology, neuroscience, anatomy, psychology and Buddhist philosophy.
The last couple of years working in yoga and psychology have led me to work with incredible people and inspiring business, with projects including co-founding the MoreMind project with Liz Joy Oakley and the MoreYoga Wellness team, delivering trauma-focused consultations and bespoke trainings for mental health charities, lecturing for training programmes and establishing a client base in independent psychological therapy and yoga therapy.
As a qualified Clinical Psychologist, Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist, I am sharing the gifts of yoga and psychology with you….
Calm mind. Strong body. Open heart.
Education and Training
Psychology & Sociology (BSc) - University of Leeds - 1st (2009)
Clinical Research (MRes Post-grad. certificates) - City University London (2013)
Doctorate Training in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy) - University of Hertfordshire (2016)
Advanced Trainings in Psychological Therapies include:
Trauma-informed approaches
Narrative Therapy
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
Compassion Focused Therapy
Children’s Accelerated Trauma Technique (CATT)
Advanced Training in Clinical Psychology Supervision (Level 1 & 2)
Yoga Training
Yoga Teacher Training (200 hrs) - Vivian Callegaro Yoga Academy (2014)
Reiki Level I - Paolo Bisazzo Reiki Master (2015)
Reiki Level II - Vital Reiki (2019)
Yin Yoga Training (30 hrs) - Norman Blair, Yoga Campus (2019)
Yoga Like Water (30 hrs) - Dan Peppiatt (2019)
Mandala Vinyasa Training (20 hrs) - The Yoga People (2019)
School of Svadhyaya Advanced Yoga Training (30 hrs) - MoreYoga (2019)
Advanced Assisting Methodology (50 hrs) - Sunday School Yoga (2019)
Yoga Therapy Training (580 hrs) - The Minded Institute (2020)
Liberate Mentorship - Naomi Absalom (2020)
CPD influenced and informed by the work of Anodea Judith (PhD Bioenergetics, energy systems and chakra theories)
Work with me
If my values resonate with how you want to approach therapy, get in touch to work together…
Contact me via this form or email stephanie@theyogapsychologist.uk